Autumn 2008
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Not in Uxbridge!
- K&D Theme. Recording provided by Kalvos & Damian
- Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: 18 Trains. Recording provided by the composer.
- Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: Syrenical. Recording provided by the composer.
- Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: Capn Hookpik. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: Work for the Railways. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: Souvenirs. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: The Day Before. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: Palimpsest: stella obscura. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: GFAAW Silent Key. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: Almost Nothing But (Butterflies and Clouds) (excerpt). Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: death among the apple trees. Recording provided by the composer.
- Lisa Whistlecroft: Walking with Ghosts. Recording provided by the composer.
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Ear Food, Baby
- K&D Theme. Recording provided by Kalvos & Damian
- Ryan Garber: Parabolisms (excerpt). Recording provided by the composer.
- Rudolf Friml: Indian Love Call (Eddy/MacDonald) (excerpt).
- Rudolf Friml: Indian Love Call (arr. dbk).
- David Gunn: McGuffy's Diner (excerpts). Recording provided by the composer.
- Ryan Garber: Parabolisms. Recording provided by the composer.
- Ryan Garber: Piano Concerto (I and III). Recording provided by the composer.
- Ryan Garber: Resonances. Recording provided by the composer.
- Ryan Garber: Magnificat. Recording provided by the composer.
- Ryan Garber: kettle music. Recording provided by the composer.
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- K&D Theme. Recording provided by Kalvos & Damian
- Michael Edward Edgerton: Tempo Mental Rap. Recording provided by the composer.
- Michael Edward Edgerton: Anaphora. Recording provided by the composer.
- Michael Edward Edgerton: A Marriage of Shadows. Recording provided by the composer.
- Michael Edward Edgerton: String Quartet No. 1. Recording provided by the composer.
- Michael Edward Edgerton: Regret of a Noiseless Sundering. Recording provided by the composer.
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Just a Heck of a Lot
- K&D Theme. Recording provided by Kalvos & Damian
- Dennis Báthory-Kitsz: Horizon (Ocean). Recording provided by the composer.
- David Morneau: [playlist to follow]
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